Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## IGetLLDPNeighbors
## Copyright (C) 2007-2009 The NOC Project
## See LICENSE for details
from base import *

[docs]class IGetLLDPNeighbors(Interface): """ LLDP neighbor information Rules: * local_inteface must be filled with interface name (will be cleaned automatically) local_interface_id depens upon how the box advertises own interfaces: * If interfaces advertised with macAddress(3) LldpPortIdSubtype, local_interface_id must be set to interface MAC address (will be cleaned automatically) * If interface advertised with networkAddress(4) LldpPortIdSubtype, local_interface_id must be set to interface IP address * If interfaces advertised with interfaceName(5) LldpPortIdSubtype, local_interface_id must be left empty or ommited. * If interfaces advertised with local(7) LldpPortIdSubtype, local_interface_id must be set to local identifier Remote port handling solely depends upon remote_port_subtype: * For macAddress(3) - convert to common normalized form * For networkAddress(4) - return as IP address * For interfaceName(5) - return untouched * For local(7) - convert to integer and return untouched """ returns = ListOfParameter(element=DictParameter(attrs={ "local_interface": InterfaceNameParameter(), # Should be set when platform advertises not LldpPortIdSubtype==5 "local_interface_id": IntParameter(required=False) | MACAddressParameter(required=False) | IPv4Parameter(required=False), "neighbors": ListOfParameter(element=DictParameter(attrs={ # LldpChassisIdSubtype TC, macAddress(4) "remote_chassis_id_subtype": IntParameter(default=4), # Remote chassis ID "remote_chassis_id": MACAddressParameter(accept_bin=False) | IPv4Parameter() | StringParameter(), # LldpPortIdSubtype TC, interfaceName(5) "remote_port_subtype": IntParameter(default=5), "remote_port": MACAddressParameter(accept_bin=False) | IPv4Parameter() | StringParameter(), "remote_port_description": StringParameter(required=False), "remote_system_name": StringParameter(required=False), "remote_system_description": StringParameter(required=False), # LldpSystemCapabilitiesMap TC bitmask "remote_capabilities": IntParameter(default=0), })) }))